Helping Hand International (HHI) is a non-profit organisation initially established in Gujarat, India in 2016 under the leadership of Dhruv Panchal. Since then, we take immense pride in having established a strong global network, with more than 40 active branches and more than 20,000 active members located across Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and South America.
Our primary vision is for all people to have access to and benefit from all-round prosperity and social justice. At the center of the work we do are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations which are intended to be achieved by 2030. We strongly believe that the SDGs must be met for the well-being of humanity and our ecosystem, and that they can be achieved through global collaboration and the exchange of ideas.
We believe in the power of awareness, capacity building and skill development, as charity alone will not bring about change. We believe in youth empowerment, in making the next generation leaders so they can become masters of change and resilience. HHI is a proud member of the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (UN MGCY).
We commit to spreading peace through social activism, innovation and new technologies while adhering to the principles of equanimity, accountability and benevolence to bring a positive change for the environment and for humanity.

Our Values
Composure: We respect the sentiments of others and treat everyone with compassion.
Courage: We take fearless action for the betterment of the circumstances of others.
Transparency: We strive to be transparent in all our efforts.
Wisdom: We join with others for greater success.
Justice: We fight for social justice.

Our Vision
Connect youth across the globe to make a better world. We assist the vulnerable in improving their life through humanitarian actions, social activism, and youth capacity building, on areas including but not limited to: social justice, peace advocacy, income generation, health, education, and clean environment. We strive to work towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, spread awareness, and enable like-minded youth to become powerful agents of change around the world. We have regional branches globally to together achieve this vision. We are committed to the work of humankind through promoting innovation and new technologies for implementing UN SDGs on ground level.

Our Objectives
- Develop a global platform of youth activists and organizations.
- Achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
- Motivate young social activists to become active agents of socio-economic change.
- Conduct seminars and conferences on a global scale to share and generate ideas.
- Offer a culture-enriched and versatile environment for youth to connect, share and implement their ideas.
- Promote the spirit of volunteerism and social activism in youth around the world.
- Spread peace around the globe through Peace Dialogues and Conferences.
Global Presence
We are present across the world!